Weekend tours

 Weekend tours, Kyrgyzstan tours 


Ala Archa gorge
Ala Arch gorge is a beautiful national park in Kyrgyzstan and one of the favorites both for tourists and locals. It is situated just 45 km from Bishkek city. But what is interesting about it is that during the trip you will rise from 750 meters to 1800 meters above sea level. The name Ala-Archa stands for Bright Juniper. These trees grow everywhere. For Kyrgyz it is considered to be a sacred tree that they use almost in all their traditional rituals and rites. A new born child is put into a cradle that has been made of juniper tree, any new property like car, or house is always smoked by juniper bush smoke as if though to scare away the bad spirits. Read the tour...
Horse riding tour
Chon Kemin valley is an amazing place for having a horseback riding tours. It takes almost two hours to get there. Horses always played a significant role in Kyrgyz life. They would say that horses are the man's wings. It is just impossible to imagine the life of nomad without a horse. Now you will also have an opportunity to ride it from Chon Kemin village to the bottom of Tien Shan Mountains. Read the tour...
Issyk Ata gorge
Issyk Ata is known for it hot springs that it is rich in. The trip to there will take us only two hours. It is a lovely gorge and you can have a light track to a mountain waterfall. Through a small but beautiful pass you can reach where you can have a picnic near the waterfall. Also as an option you can go to an open swimming pool with mineral hot springs. You have an opportunity to swim there and enjoy the view of scenic mountains around! Read the tour...
Bishkek city tour
The history of Bishkek city counts only 132 years. Years ago it looked like as a flat step without a single tree - and now it is one of the greenest cities in the whole Central Asia! For many- many years people have been fighting for this land, but Kyrgyz people managed to save it for their next generations. You will learn many interesting facts and spend time visiting the most outstanding places! Read the tour...
Burana Tower
Burana Tower is a historical minaret that belongs to the 11th century. Balasagun was the name of the city where this tower was built in and traders used to pass through or stay for night. The tower itself is 24 meters high now. At that time it was 45 meters high but because of the earthquake in 15 century has of it fallen down. This tower used as a beacon light, as a watching tower and place for calling local prayers.  According to the beliefs of those people earthquake was a sign of bad luck and people thought of this place to be cursed by God and fled away leaving all their things behind. A lot of interesting artifacts have been found by our archeologists there and you will be able to see some of them in a local museum. The other part of artifacts was taken to Russian in Soviet time. The houses in the city were made of clay and they melt with the course of time. Now it is possible to see only the tower and a hill nearby that is presumed to be khan's palace. Read the tour...