Peak Pobeda

When you travel in Kyrgyzstan you will have an opportunity to see the Peak Pobeda. It is located in the Issyk Kul region. The Peak Pobeda is considered to be the second highest mountain of 7 439 m. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will find it bordering with the Zvezdochka glacier and boats a 3 km vertical headwall. The Chinese people call it the Tomur Peak. It is important to say that before it called the Khan Tenri by locals. In the course of Semyenov's expedition, when he first saw the peak Khan too, he mized up it with the Khan Tenri. Originally the Peak Pobeda does not have a pyramid profile. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told that the peak Pobeda established in 1946 when it was renamed in honor of the victory at the end of Second World War. When you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will find out that there was a lot of climbing of the peak. The first one was mentioned in 1938 by Soviet team. The next expedition was done in 1995 by two teams where one from Kazakhstan, the next from the Chon tern Pass and the other, from Uzbekistan. Since it was very difficult, the Kazakh faced with difficulties and reach only 6000 m, after decided to stop. Others rescued by chance. As you see mountains don't like when someone interrupt them. In the course of tours in Kyrgyzstan, you will have the opportunity to try your mountain skills on the peak. Our company is always ready to provide you by safety in tours in Kyrgyzstan.