Highest Lenin peak
Our guests of the country on tours in Kyrgyzstan will be able to explore the peaks and mountain ranges of the countries. And we offer you to get acquainted with Lenin Peak, which is located in the south of the country, in the Osh region. So in tours, we offer you to become a member of our company's trip, so that you can see what beautiful charm there is in Kyrgyzstan, as well as travel along the border with Tajikistan. The mountain has a height of 7134 m. You will be able to learn the territory of the peak in tours, explore Kyrgyzstan in rented cars, and also learn a lot of information. But you should be aware of the fact that the peaks may not be visible because of the clouds that may cover them.
In the tours, you can learn that the weather in the mountains is changeable, and the temperature can change depending on the altitude. Exploring Kyrgyzstan, you can learn that the explorer A. P. Fedchenko was the first to explore and discover the mountain in 1871. In the past, the peak was named after the Soviet leader and governor Kaufman. And now the peak has the name of the past leader Lenin.
You can learn that the participants of the first expedition were not all able to conquer the summit in 1929. After that, the Soviet Red Army conquered the summit and erected a monument to Lenin on the summit. After this event, it is shown that in 1967, 301 expeditions made a trip to the summit in honor of the anniversary. This helped people learn about the existence of 16 possible routes for people.
In order to go on tours, you should study the information about the mountains, as they can be dangerous on tours. You can rent a car and explore the country with professionals or on your own on tours of Kyrgyzstan. And you should know that the weather in the mountains can be unpredictable, and also in the form of avalanches and crevices. Therefore, to be safe, you should know about the secrets. But there were also tragic events on the mountain that occurred in 1974, when a group of women was caught in a storm. And in 1991, about 44 people were captured by an earthquake in the campaign.